
We are acting as P&I Correspondents, Lloyd’s Agents at Bucharest, Average Agents of Verein Hanseatischer Transportversicherer e.V. and Correspondents of The American Institute of Marine Underwriters and our staff members’ skill, loyalty, devotion, good communication and cooperation are essential in our day to day business.

The unique skill and expertise must endure to meet the changes in the requirements of a modern shipping industry and insurance market.

Job vacancies

  • Surveyor
  • Marine Consultant
  • Surveyor Apprentice
  • Senior Accountant
  • Front desk officer, speaking English fluently

Wages and benefits are discussed individually with successful candidates, depending on their current skill, qualification and performance.


Constantza, Galatz, Bucharest

Notes on application

The candidates should provide an introductory letter and a Curriculum Vitae. They might be required, depending on circumstances, to provide additional information and/or documents on their current qualification.

Online application

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone number (required)

    Attach your CV (required)

    Attach an introductory letter (required)

    Additional information